List of analysis performed in LAM:
- Determination of superior caloric power;
- Determination of fuels density at 15°C;
- Determination viscosity at 40°C;
- Determination of flash point;
- Determination of copper strip corrosion;
- Determination of sulphated ash;
- Determination of total contamination;
- Determination of sulphur content;
- Determination water content;
- Determination of acid value;
- Determination of iodine value;
- Determination of ester content, methyl ester and linoleic acid;
- Determination of methanol content;
- Determination of monoglyceride, di- and triglyceride content, free glycerol and total glycerol;
- Determination of ignition quality for diesel engines. Cetan method;
- Determination of gas composition and caloric power calculation.
LAM performs, at customer’s request, other type of analysis by applying appropriate testing methods (ISO, ASTM) or other methods validated in laboratory.
The quality of chemical analysis performed in LAM is assured by obtaining and maintaining RENAR certification and by participating at interlaboratory schemes.